Over the past couple of days, a story has been circulating that Lindsay Lohan was being investigated for the theft of $49,000 in jewels. Lohan and theft go together like, well, like Winona Ryder and theft. It’s not really an exceptional tale. However, now that People confirms that the value is more like $400,000 and Scotland Yard is involved, it feels a little more like a story worth discussing.
The jewels in question are a necklace and earrings that Lindsay wore for an Elle U.K. photo shoot. Like most everything that Linds touches, they ended up in the bottom of her handbag missing. I’m sure that it’s just standard operating procedure to question everyone who was on set the day the jewels went bye-bye. After all, what reason would anyonepossibly have to think that Lohan was the guilty party? I can’t think of one.
An either stupid or incredibly naive Elle U.K. spokesperson released the following statement: “Elle has no reason to believe that Lindsay Lohan was in any way responsible and has no further comment to make.”
Oh, and if you’re wondering where I found the super-snazzy vintage Linds photo from, she put it up on Twitter last night because she was bored. Sigh.
Source: The Evil Beet RSS Feed
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