Tuesday, June 23, 2009

GLAAD asks Perez Hilton to apologize for using anti-gay slur

Perez “my eye is falling out” Hilton posted an indignant 11 minute video rant on his blog yesterday in which he expressed outrage that the manager of the Black Eyed Peas punched him in the face after he called musician Will.i.am the anti-gay f-word multiple times. Perez is a gay man and admitted that he used the slur after making “a split second decision that I was going to say the worst possible thing that thug would ever want to hear.” He stupidly added “I knew it was going to set him off but I didn’t want to get into a fight with this person.” Will.i.am said that he didn’t attack Perez and explained in a calm video blog on his website that he thought a fan must have hit him after witnessing the incident. He elaborated in another video segment that he didn’t punch him at all and that it was unfair to accuse him of it.

Now the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, GLAAD, has issued a call for Perez to apologize for using the F word, which is one of the most hateful anti-gay slurs out there. (We are sorry for printing this word in full yesterday and will include an asterisk in the word in the future, as per GLAAD’s request.)

The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation has asked Perez Hilton to apologize for slurs he hurled at Will.i.am of the Black Eyed Peas.

GLAAD was responding to a video posted by the celebrity blogger, whose legal name is Mario Lavandeira, in which Hilton gave his version of events after Will.i.am posted a video describing their recent confrontations at and after the MuchMusic Video Awards. Said Hilton in his video: “I made the split-second decision — that I was gonna say what I thought was the worst possible thing that thug [Will.i.am] would ever want to hear” — which was a handful of assorted F-bombs.

Rashad Robinson, GLAAD’s senior director of media programs, said: “These are vulgar anti-gay slurs that feed a climate of hatred and intolerance toward our community. For someone in our own community to use it to attack another person by saying that it is, quote, ‘The worst possible thing that thug would ever want to hear,’ is incredibly dangerous. It legitimizes use of a slur that is often linked to violence against our community. And it sends a message that it is OK to attempt to dehumanize people by exploiting anti-gay attitudes.”

“We have reached out to Hilton and asked him to apologize for promoting this anti-gay slur, and we would ask media outlets to avoid repetition of the slur in their coverage of this story.”

[From LA Times via PopCrunch]

Reader jm noted yesterday that Perez was being a hypocrite along with a bigot because he’s “the same guy who launched that crazy hate campaign against Isaiah Washington from Grey’s Anatomy ([for] using the f word).” Why would he call someone the F word after rallying against it? It doesn’t make sense and there seems to be some kind of self-hatred going on there. Will.i.am’s measured, much more believable account makes it seem like Perez way overreacted. That really seems to be the case especially since we can see that he’s continuing to overreact in his response to the incident. He didn’t seem to think there was anything wrong with throwing the F word out there as if it was a legitimate response to being asked by Will.i.am to be more respectful to his band and to his friend Fergie.

TMZ has the video of Perez’s outrageous slur and there were plenty of people watching. It’s not surprising that someone thought the best response to his out of control outrage was a beat down. Do you think he’s going to apologize or will he continue to play the pouting, wronged victim? Still nothing on his website, but it’s early on the west coast.

Here are photos of Perez, Fergie and the Black Eyed Peas at the Much Music Awards in Toronto on 6/21/09. Credit: PRPhotos.

Source: Cele|bitchy RSS Feed

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