People magazine is reporting that the very on-again, off-again couple Leonardo DiCaprio and Bar Refaeli have decided to call things off again … they’re dunzo, y’all:
On-again off-again couple Leonardo DiCaprio and Bar Refaeli have called it quits once more, sources confirm to PEOPLE. “They’re taking time off for the time being, they’ve split,” says a source. “It could just end up as a break but for now they’re doing their own thing.” That much was certainly apparent over the weekend as the Israeli-born Sports Illustrated swimsuit model, 23, walked the red carpet at Hollywood Life’s 11th Annual Young Hollywood Awards solo, refusing to speak about DiCaprio, while the Titanic star, 34, hit the hotspot Avenue in New York City, where he was seen chatting with another woman. “He was standing at the bar in front of everyone talking to a girl the entire night – and it wasn’t Bar,” says one onlooker. “It was in no way behavior for a guy who has a serious girlfriend.” (DiCaprio and Refaeli were then reportedly photographed together in Los Angeles on Monday night.) According to a Refaeli source, the model’s desire to get serious may have caused the actor to have doubts about their relationship. “She wanted to move faster than he did, she wanted to move in together,” the source says, “so he broke it off.”
First Jiley are dunzo and then these two break-up … what the eff is going on? At least we can take heart that it appears that L. Ron have gotten back together again. It should be noted that US Weekly is reporting via a source of their own that Leo and Bar have not broken up:
Contrary to a new report, Leonardo DiCaprio and Bar Refaeli haven’t split, a source close to the couple tells Usmagazine.com. “They are still together,” the source says.
Hahahaha! Way to come back US Weekly. Considering the track records between these two publications, I’d place more value on the report from People. Leonardo DiCaprio doesn’t strike me as the settling down type of guy … so I can see how pressure from a girl to take things in a more serious direction might make him head for the hills. I’m sure that the supermodel will have no problem finding a new guy … and I have no doubt that Leo will quickly find himself a new chick.
Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/PinkIsTheNewBlog/~3/vd9KGWuwRic/ RSS Feed
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